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Souvenirs from Unlock Unearth


Jane Eliot has made a framed collection of the items in her parcel given to the cast on the last night. She has it hanging on her chimney breast at home.


Liz French and Andy Chappell, meanwhile have made a box for theirs. Liz says "Andy and I are still glowing with the memories of this magical project and feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to participate. Our treasures were placed in a special box." 





















TICKETS : £10.00






Come and immerse yourself in a collection of illuminated readings at Bergh Apton church.


These tales have been charmed out of the earth of this place through community imagining and creation.

Woven with lantern procession, song, sound, shadow and light in the depths of winter, these readings will be a special and unique event, following in the long and rich tradition of Bergh Apton Arts.


This is an intimate offering with limited seating.


The land of the real can also be the land of the unreal, the world that is, the world that was, the world that might be, come and find out.

The past is fragile as bones grown brittle with age, as faint as a glimpsed ghost. We live in islands of secret and sacred ways, islands where giants raised their barrows and standing stones. The earth and the rivers embrace thumbed shards of pottery, glass, bones, a sword its jewelled hilt now clasped closely by ropes of roots, a bunch of keys, a velvet cap with a pilgrim’s badge, a clay pipe, a handful of coins each with a  helmeted head on one face.


Scratch your name on the land’s face but below and below is a lost alphabet and lost words. A land with tales to tell and songs to sing, a land of mysteries and riddles. The past is written across the landscape for those with eyes to see and ears that hear.


In writing workshops with Hugh Lupton we unlocked our word hoards then rifled through, juggled with words and phrases to bring you stories. Like magpies we collected sorrows and sighs and rejoicings and rituals. Hugh foraged through our writings and has produced six stories of Bergh Apton from the invasion of the Romans, to Saxon celebration of harvest, to Non, Neb and Luck who keep watch over the door of the church, to those sailing away to the New World, to a blacksmith setting off to his new world and Hannah who wins £1 000 on the Lottery! Connecting them all are woodpecker feathers and a flint tool curved like a young moon.


Listen and watch my people for who knows what dreams and tales will come. 

The Book

Creatures of the woods

Forfar the Dragon

Grass Dollies

Dream Lanterns

Di Byford in her studio working on images for Unlock Unearth

Readers' Chair

Charlotte Arculus come to bring her magic

Some of the 100 lanterns for the churchyard procession

Getting the word out there

Hugh leading the Readers' Workshop

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